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How to Protect your Dogs during Summers in Qatar: Dr. Abdur Rehman Mi

Summer is the perfect time to have fun in the sun with your furry friends! However, it is also important that you protect yourself and your pet from extreme humidity and sun rays – especially here in Qatar.

To avoid confusion and uncertainty on how to keep your dog safe in Qatar’s extreme heat, we decided to directly ask the experts themselves at Dragon Animal Care Center. Our team met up with Dr. Abdur Rehman and had a whole conversation on how to protect and keep your dog cool this summer.

Here is Dr. Abdur Rehman’s advice for all pet parents:

How do dogs normally behave or react to the summer weather?

Dr. Abdur Rehman: With regards to your question, during the summertime, the dogs get slowed down. Dogs naturally know when to reduce their activity to reduce the amount of heat they produce. Dogs that have lived in colder weather before will be more prone to this, which makes them feel annoyed and frustrated. According to research, there’s a higher chance of dogs biting people during the summer. Hence it’s very important that if your dog is hyper, angry, or showing moody behavior in the summertime, make sure you don’t introduce them to strangers, kids, etc. This is a common phenomenon according to many researchers. So we need to avoid making people get bitten by dogs and develop trauma. Another thing to consider why dogs might behave aggressively is because they are thickly coated with fur and they are frustrated by it, causing them to behave outrageously. This usually applies to dogs such as Husky and German shepherd.

Does weather affect dog shedding? If yes, what ways does it affect?

Dr. Abdur Rehman : Shedding occurs when weather change happens. It applies from summer to winter and vice versa. This phenomenon is known as a ‘blowing coat’. This is mostly seen in double-coated dogs. The colored fur that we see on top is primary hair. Inside the hair is shorter hair that is smooth and silky, known as secondary hair. What happens when the weather changes from winter to summer is that the dogs shed their secondary hair so that their fur becomes lighter. From summer to winter, they will again shed these hair and will be covered with a thicker coat. This type of shedding is completely normal. However, if the shedding is excessive where the skin of your dog is visible, this is not normal. This is called alopecia. So, you have to be able to distinguish between normal shedding and certain skin conditions.

How can small dogs be kept cool? And what about the big dogs?

Dr. Abdur Rehman: The answer applies to both big or small dogs – we have to keep them cool in the same way. What is essential to do during the summer is to encourage them to stay in shady area away from direct sunlight, always provide our dogs with an adequate amount of drinking water. The water should not be hot or cold but cool, at a temperature of the same as a room temperature would be. They should always have access to drinking water. If your dogs want to play, Moreover, you should also avoid taking your dog out during midday at around 12 to 3 PM, otherwise, your dog may end up at the vet. Another important thing to note is to never leave your dog in a parked car. Even though the AC is on, there is no ventilation for your dog. This is also applicable if you have a doghouse – you do not want to leave your dog inside it because there is little to no ventilation. They should be indoors with you in your own house. Furthermore, we strongly advise that you should avoid over-exercising your dog outside when weather is extreme hot and humid . This may happen during the process when you run, your dog starts running to follow your pace which may cause them to end up fainting. So we do suggest you do less outdoor exercise during hot and humid weather. Your dog is allowed to exercise indoors, but please be aware of how he reacts to the minimum amount of space and ventilation. Avoid long car journeys for the same reason why we don’t leave our dogs in a parked car – so these are the precautionary things to keep your dog cool in the summer.

You mentioned keeping them cool in the water. So do you have any tips to keep the dog safe around the pool?

Dr. Abdur Rehman : The first two things to consider regarding safety around the pool is the heat and humidity, especially in Qatar. If we, ourselves, feel the heat and humidity level is something our body can tolerate, then it is also the perfect weather for your dogs to do activities outside like playing by the pool. If not, then do not take your dog out for a swim in that time which is usually the midday time here in Qatar, where the humidity level is high – it can cause overheating for your pet. The water can remain on the dog’s fur because of high humidity and that can make them feel annoyed. The third thing to consider is the size of the dog. Dogs usually know how to swim. Though small dogs may be dragged around and into the water by kids, unintentionally, so you have to always be present and keep an eye out for any sort of dangerous situations. For bigger dogs, this isn’t too much of an issue, but it’s still something to watch out for since when playing around, things can get reckless. For instance, the kids may end up pulling the tail of your dog and it may bite the kids back in response – these are some situations that need to be prevented.

Can dogs get sunburnt?

Dr. Abdur Rehman: Yes, dogs can get sunburnt. Sunburnt may happen in specific areas of the dogs such as their ears and nose, pink-colored areas, and their bellies. These areas are more prone to it. When your dog goes out and about, they might want to have a little rest and like to go on their back; this then would reveal their belly and expose their chances of getting sunburnt. They are similar to humans in this way, nothing too different.

What is the fastest way to cool down your dog?

Dr. Abdur Rehman: If you see your dog overheating, you can cool them down by using cool water to drink, shower with cool water not cold water as this can eventually give them hypothermia. Secondly, put a fan in front of your dog, it will help them pant to start sweating off the heat from their body. Lastly, always provide your dog with cool water. These are the 3 tips that all pet parents should know on how to cool them down.

What is the ideal indoor temperature for a dog?

Dr. Abdur Rehman : The ideal temperature for a dog is dependent on their size, how heavy they are, their age, and how much activity they do. According to their activity level, there won’t be an exact value but a range. Then in winter, the range is between 69 to 73 degrees Fahrenheit. This is the normal temperature for them. In the summer, 75 to 78 degrees Fahrenheit is the ideal indoor temperature for them, which is about 23 to 25 degrees Celsius. This is the ideal temperature for them regardless of how much fur they have. Although you still need to make sure to always provide a blanket for your dog in case the floor eventually gets cold and your dog will start to feed off its coldness.

What are some ways to protect dogs paws on walks or when they spend a lot of time outside in summer?

Dr. Abdur Rehman : Paw protection is most important in these situations, especially here in Qatar, as the pavements can get burning hot. As I mentioned earlier, make sure to always avoid the midday heat. If you want to go out with your dog, it is best and recommended to go in the evening or early morning. Walk your dog in the grass as the temperature of the grass is cooler than the pavement. If you want, you can use paw protectors such as shoes and socks. Make sure your dog’s paws don’t have cracks. This can occur due to dehydration or disease. You can apply wax or gels to help this heal back to normal. These are things to ensure that the paws of your dogs are protected.

We love to bring our dogs everywhere, but are there any summer events we should leave our dogs home for?

Dr. Abdur Rehman : In Qatar, when the temperature and humidity are at their highest, this is when we dogs feel almost suffocated. We should not take our dogs out during this time. This is because they will have a probability of experiencing dehydration and heatstroke during this time. Dogs can also be more irritable during the summer and can bite a stranger passing by. Avoid these things and leave your dog at home.

A lot of events in the summer are occurring in the evenings. What about evening events?

Dr. Abdur Rehman : What is triggering the aggressive behavior of dogs is the humidity and the temperature. Even if you go to a completely indoor event that’s air-conditioned, you still put stress on your dog as you were traveling in a car, which is a small space. By putting him in an environment full of strangers, the dog will be even more stressed. You always have to be careful and avoid these situations because we cannot always guess what kind of aggressive behavior or how aggressive your dog may or may not get.

Sometimes events with guests at our homes can be dangerous for dogs. What rules should we tell our guests about during summer get-togethers to keep our dogs safe?

Dr. Abdur Rehman : Dogs will be stressed around guests. You can’t put your dog in a separate and closed space like a bathroom, as he will be making too much noise. You have to consider how you can reduce the contact between your dog and your guests. Especially in the summertime, we don’t know how the dog will react. If your dog has been trained to socialize with people before, then it should be fine. Otherwise, it’s best to keep your dog at a friend’s place, if the dog knows them, or at a pet hotel for that particular day of the events. This will reduce stress and maintain great security for you, your dog, and your guests.

What’s the most common reason dogs end up at the emergency vet in summer? How can we prevent such matters?

Dr. Abdur Rehman : The most common reason that dog goes into an emergency is excessive exercise or when they are not fully hydrated as they normally should be daily. Another possible situation is when the dog does their regular activities under no shade or at a place with no proper ventilation. This will eventually make the dog get into heatstroke and end up at the vet. Such situations are recommended as to be highly avoided. Every dog owner should be aware of these things. If you see your dog panting a lot, check your dog’s temperature and give him some water to drink.

Related to emergencies, how can one recognize heatstroke in a dog?

Dr. Abdur Rehman : Firstly, your dog’s activity will slow down and they’ll start panting a lot. After a while, your dog’s nose area will become dry. Then your dog will start vomiting. These are the gradual steps on what will happen in the event when a dog develops a heat stroke. Afterward, your dog will have diarrhea, incoordination due to the brain shutting down. Lastly, your dog will lay down and collapse. These are the symptoms shown in a dog when they get into heatstroke from the least to the most extreme that all pet parents should recognize.

Should we change our dogs’ diets in summer if they’re more active? Are there any summer human foods that pet owners can share with their dogs?

Dr. Abdur Rehman : The diet should remain the same, even if they’re active or not. You can feed your dog watermelon, cucumber, mangos – any of this food with high vitamin C and water content. Though do make sure not to include the seeds as these can get stuck in their intestines and cause issues. These 3 fruits can be given. Not to mention, you can give yogurt in their diet as well. These food contain vitamins and minerals that will help your dog stay strong, healthy, and hydrated.


If you could give pet parents your top three bits of advice to keep dogs safe in Qatar’s summer heat, what would they be?

Dr. Abdur Rehman : Firstly, never take your dog out when the temperature and humidity are high. Secondly, make sure they have enough water. Lastly, avoid overexercising your dogs. These things should be mandatory with Qatar’s summer conditions.

How long should we take our dogs out for a walk?

Dr. Abdur Rehman : It all depends on how you feel. It is advised that you will put yourself in the same situation as your dog. If your dog starts lagging behind you during walks, this is a sign that you should not walk your dog any further. However much your dog wants to walk, that’s usually enough. Walks are mainly for joint health and their activity; they won’t get muscular from simply walking. Sometimes your dog may want to walk a lot, sometimes they won’t. It varies depending on their stamina.

What are the particular timings and degrees outside where we can take our dog for walks in Qatar?

Dr. Abdur Rehman : There is no particular temperature for a walk outside. If you feel you can stand a certain temperature at that time, then your dog will be able to tolerate it as well. However long you can go for a walk, your dog will also walk for that same period. Most dogs in Qatar are born here. In books, we will not be able to find accurate information under Qatar, since it’s all based on the US or Europe. There’s a big difference between the temperatures in these countries and Qatar. So we do advise those early mornings and late evenings are the perfect time to take your dog out in Qatar’s current summer weather. Besides that, there is no particular perfect temperature we can recommend you for dogs to go on their walks outside. So we can only suggest that pet parents should take out their dogs when the temperature is tolerating for themselves, this would usually be the most ideal one for their dog as well.

So, do dogs naturally have adapted to Qatar’s weather if they’re born here?

Dr. Abdur Rehman : Yes, wherever dogs are born, they will usually adapt to their particular birthplace but till a limit. It’s similar to us humans. Here in Qatar, it can get extremely hot, so when people like us who are used to the weather here go to a cold country, the locals there will find it normal for them. However, for people like us who are new to the place, we will be wearing a thick coat. The same case applies to dogs.

We are very thankful to Dr. Abdur Rehman for providing us accurate information on how to protect and prevent dogs from experiencing heat exhaustion. We were very pleased to have gained educational insights on how to do it in Qatar’s extreme, summer weather.

To get custom consultations, schedule a reservation for health checkups, or simply visit the Dragon Animal Care Center – you may reach out to them with the following contact details below:

Address: Duhail Ain Bin Bahar Street Building-8, Street-964, Zone-31، Doha

Opening Hours: Sunday-Saturday, 08.00 AM-12.00 AM

Fridays: 08.00-11.30AM, 12.30-12AM

Phone: 4441-1866




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